At the 38th AGM of ACAN, we signed an MOU with them which has opened up the opportunity for us to work together on multiple levels to strengthen collaboration and influence across related groups. With the signing of this MOU, members of ACAN will be able to subscribe to and recommend Tigg, including support services and necessary training at a special discount.
In addition to that, we will jointly design and implement learning and development initiatives to strengthen the SMEs in their process of digitization and formalization. Both the parties can work collaboratively and carry out joint engagement and outreach to create awareness about training and qualifications offered by ACAN alongside Tigg. At the same time, with the first hand feedback from ACAN members, Tigg will be able to enhance and improve the product to better suit its users.
We believe this MOU will be of mutual benefit for both the parties and pave the way for further collaborations in the future to accomplish our shared goals.